Markdown to HTML

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Checkout our Markdown Syntax Cheatsheet.

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Markdown Syntax Cheatsheet

Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to format plain text into various document structures. Here's a quick reference for some common Markdown functionalities

Table of Contents


Markdown provides a straightforward way to define headings using the # symbol. An H1 heading is expressed as # followed by the heading text (# Heading 1), while an H2 heading uses 2 # symbols (## Heading 2), and this pattern continues until H6 with 6 # symbols (###### Heading 6).


To create lists in Markdown, you'll employ indentation and a marker at the start of the line to denote a list item. As an illustration, unordered lists are structured as shown here:

  • * One item
  • * Another item
    • * A sub-item

Unordered lists can use an asterisk (*), plus (+), or minus (-) to indicate each list item.

Ordered lists use a number at the beginning of the line. The numbers do not need to be incremented - this will happen for you automatically by the HTML. That makes it easier to re-order your ordered lists (in markdown) as needed.

Also, ordered and unordered lists can be nested within each other. For example:

  • * One item
  • * Another item
    • 1. A nested ordered list
    • 1. A nested ordered list
      • * And now an unordered list as its child

Links can be created using several methods:

  • Links can be [inline](
  • Inline links can [have a title]( "eWebatelier: Your Online Growth Partner")


To insert images, use an exclamation mark !, followed by square brackets for alt text and parentheses for the image URL

![Alt Text](


Blockquotes are created with >:

> This is a blockquote.


Inline code is wrapped with backticks `:

Inline code: `line_of_code`

For code blocks, use three backticks ``` and specify the programming language (optional):


console.log("At eWebatelier we provide only the best digital marketing services, tailored for your online business needs.")


Horizontal Rule

Use three or more hyphens (---), underscores (___), or asterisks (***) to create a horizontal rule


Tables are created using pipes `|` and hyphens `-`:

| Target | Growth Rate |

| ------ | ----------- |

| Your Website | 90% |