HTML to Markdown

Are you seeking a professional solution to effortlessly convert your Markdown code to HTML? The challenges of manual conversion can be overwhelming, and our tool is here to provide a reliable, efficient way to address them.

Professionals often grapple with code errors, syntax issues, and formatting inconsistencies. Our tool ensures a polished output, saving you time and effort. Say goodbye to the complexities and hello to a streamlined process.

Checkout our Markdown Syntax Cheatsheet.

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Markdown Code

Markdown Syntax Cheatsheet

Looking to step up your Markdown game? Want to save time and frustration by having all the essential syntax rules in one place? Our "Markdown Syntax Cheatsheet" is the solution you've been waiting for.

Elevate your Markdown skills, improve your productivity, and enhance the quality of your documents with this cheatsheet.

Table of Contents


Markdown provides a straightforward way to define headings using the # symbol. An H1 heading is expressed as # followed by the heading text (# Heading 1), while an H2 heading uses 2 # symbols (## Heading 2), and this pattern continues until H6 with 6 # symbols (###### Heading 6).

Links can be created using several methods:

  • Links can be [inline](
  • Inline links can [have a title]( "Awesome Markdown Converter")
  • Also, there can be reference links that allow the URL to be placed later in the document:
    • Here is a [reference link][markdowntohtml] that links to this site. References are case-insensitive (for example [this link] [MarkDownToHTML] works).
    • References can also [use numbers][1].
    • Or leave it empty and use the [link text itself].
  • Also, you can use relative links [like this](../blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
  • URLs and URLs in angle brackets will automatically get turned into links: <>.


Lists are made by using indentation and a beginning-of-line marker to indicate a list item. For example, unordered lists are made like this:

  • * One item
  • * Another item
    • * A sub-item

Unordered lists can use an asterisk (*), plus (+), or minus (-) to indicate each list item.

Ordered lists use a number at the beginning of the line. The numbers do not need to be incremented - this will happen for you automatically by the HTML. That makes it easier to re-order your ordered lists (in markdown) as needed.

Also, ordered and unordered lists can be nested within each other. For example:

  • * One item
  • * Another item
    • 1. A nested ordered list
    • 1. A nested ordered list
      • * And now an unordered list as its child